RTC-CEC Materials


See agendas page.

Discussion questions for joint RTC-CEC/Trainee session on “Environmental Contamination in Puerto Rico: Perspectives from Diverse Community Organizations”

Our four presenting organizations will give brief descriptions of their work and will highlight an issue or challenge that they face in their community work. This should take no more than 30 minutes of the 75-minute session. For the  next 45 minutes, you will discuss this issue with at the table where you are seated, along with a representative of the group. There will be two tables per group, to enable everyone to have few enough people for a good discussion.  You will already be seated at the table to which you are assigned, based on a number given to you when you register Wednesday morning. Make sure to sit at the correct table so that no one has to move around.  While you won’t know until you register Wednesday what table you’re at, please read ahead of time four issues/challenges notes, which are very short.  That way you can think about them ahead of time.

Sierra Club & Basura Cero

Coalition for the Northeast Ecological Corridor of Puerto Rico


Materials for Thursday Breakfast Meeting

These slides will not be shown at the breakfast but we are posting them to give you a sense of the approach that our breakfast presenters take to their work, and will help breakfast attendees formulate questions and issues they’d like to discuss.

Arzuaga Slides

Gerhardstein Slides

Workgroup Materials

Reporting back exposure data to individuals and communities

Vapor Intrusion

Evaluation of RTC and CEC Activities

Communicating Science Online

Technology Transfer